The Traits Of Successful People, From Arlene Alda (VIDEO) When author Arlene Alda was working on her latest book, Just Kids From The Bronx, she interviewed successful people who called the Bronx home growing up. The people she interviewed ranged from ages 24-93. Along that spectrum, Arlene found a few common threads between the stories she gathered. One main commonality was the presence of a teacher or mentor in the lives of these people very early on. It's important to have people who really care about you when you're growing up. Teachers came up in all of the stories that were told to Arlene. The fact that teachers took notice of a kid who needed help, or of a student's special talent helped to shape these individuals. Teachers, neighbors, mentors and peers all contribute to the level of confidence in a person, and help to shape us along the way so that we can succeed.
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