The taunts reportedly triggered a viral surge of women tweeting pictures of their nipples to protest the sexualization of women's bodies.
(The below photos may be considered NSFW.)
The #FreeTheNipple campaign has been around for a while, gaining momentum last year after social media sites like Facebook and Instagram banned imagery with female nipples during non-sexual moments such as breastfeeding. (Some sites have since reversed their stance.)
According to The Independent, the current flurry began when a 17-year-old student and chair of the feminist society at Commerical College of Iceland tried to promote a March 26 "Free The Nipple Day." A male friend tweeted a photo of himself topless, and the woman responded by posting a photo of her bare breasts. That led to a "Twitter troll" attempting to body-shame her, The Independent wrote.
The digital cry for gender equality earned the support of some academic leaders.
"For me it’s about being the way you want,” Heiður Anna Helgadóttir, chair of the Feminist Association of the University of Iceland, told the Reykjavik Grapevine. “It’s just a body part. Boys have breasts and nipples and it’s fine for them to expose them. The same should apply to us.”
The Grapevine noted that a number of student organizations in Iceland declared Thursday "no bra day."
The protest quickly grew in numbers. Take a look:
My cat does not care if there is a nipple out there so why should any of us! Let's keep this going #FreeTheNipple
— erla margrét (@erlamargret) March 27, 2015
chillin #FreeTheNipple @gatistiganum
— Rakel Sigurðardóttir (@rsigurdardottir) March 26, 2015
#FreeTheNipple, Icelandic style:
— i-D (@i_D) March 26, 2015
I'm always here for #FreeTheNipple @freethenipple
— YourFavoriteAfrican (@OHWAWA_) March 24, 2015
@freethenipple #FreeTheNipple
— Angie (@LynnKawGirl) March 26, 2015
Drottningin hún móðir mín vildi vera með í byltingunni. Hún greindist með brjóstakrabbamein árið 2013 #FreeTheNipple
— karó (@typpin) March 25, 2015
Það fallegasta sem líkami minn hefur gert: gengið með tvö börn, nært þau með mínum yndislegu brjóstum #FreeTheNipple
— Vala Smaradottir (@valaibala) March 25, 2015
we are all the same just in different colours (hahahaha) #freethenipple
— jákvæðni&gleðiॐgumme (@Ketilll) March 26, 2015
H/T Distractify
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