The nine-second video, posted to YouTube, shows members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon using racist language. It has led to quick and widespread response from many, including University of Oklahoma president David L. Boren, who issued a blistering statement on Monday.
The national headquarters of SAE announced it will close the school's chapter and that all members have been suspended. Boren said the fraternity will be removed from the campus, if confirmed it is the group in the video, which depicts members dressed in formalwear singing and clapping to racist lyrics.
A gathering of players was joined by Bob Stoops, the school's head football coach as well as head basketball coach Lon Kruger at a demonstration on campus on Monday, a day after the video began to circulate.
Both coaches condemned the video, per tweets by Tulsa World reporter Guerin Emig:
Circle of OU athletes, coaches just outside Owen Field, led in prayer by #Sooners center Ty Darlington.
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) March 9, 2015
#Sooners basketball coach Lon Kruger, who attended demonstration: "It’s something that should concern everyone. It’s not about athletics."
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) March 9, 2015
Bob Stoops: "It’s hard to believe that that actually happened. It’s sad the ignorance that can still be there with some people." #Sooners
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) March 9, 2015
Bob Stoops continued: "It's just appalling. I was here to be with my guys. We all work with beautiful young men." #Sooners
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) March 9, 2015
Bob Stoops on reaction to the video: "It’s just... y’know... very little gets me choked up. But that hurt." #Sooners
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) March 9, 2015
Former Oklahoma football players Gerald McCoy and Donald Stephenson, who play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Kansas City Chiefs, respectively, also took to Twitter to express their disgust:
Something has to be done. That's unbelievable. Especially if it's at OU. I pray something is done. Nothing small. Serious consequences.
— Gerald McCoy (@Geraldini93) March 9, 2015
Ive seen the video "supposedly" from my Alma Mater. Regardless of the school the act is just saddening. But it's the harsh reality of today.
— Gerald McCoy (@Geraldini93) March 9, 2015
Can't be apart of the OU family while SAE still is.. Hope they get it fixed because I like wearing my Sooner gear.
— Donald Stephenson (@Don59Wayne) March 9, 2015
In a now-deleted tweet, Stephenson echoed his support to Oklahoma linebacker Eric Striker, after Striker posted a profanity-laced SnapChat in response to the video:
"I got your back Eric Striker," Stephenson's tweet read.
As Emig pointed out, the video could already have effects on potential prospects for the school's teams:
4-star LB coming off his visit. RT @DCinco__5: Really Disappointed In OU After A Great Weekend There I See This!
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) March 9, 2015
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