Stress Tip: Let Go Of Control For 30 days, GPS for the Soul and meQuilibrium are providing you tips on how to live a healthier, happier and stress-free life. See the previous stress tips here.

The compulsion to control every element of your life may contribute to some of your successes, but chances are it contributes to a whole lot more stress, too. No matter how organized or prepared you are, life is an improvisation and you never know quite what will happen. Trying to control it all can do two things: set you up for greater disappointment, and keep you from letting other people help. A preoccupation with control can also take you out of the moment -- a moment you don't get back.
Today, challenge the idea that you have to and must control every aspect of your life or your day. Let some things slide; let someone help. When you let go of how things "should" be, you soften the edges of stress and open yourself up to possibility.
Read more on how to curb your inner control freak.
--Posted by Lindsay Holmes
Learn more useful information about stress and your health! Order meQuilibrium's new book, meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier, co-authored by meQuilibrium CEO Jan Bruce, Adam Perlman, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, and Andrew Shatté, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer.
The compulsion to control every element of your life may contribute to some of your successes, but chances are it contributes to a whole lot more stress, too. No matter how organized or prepared you are, life is an improvisation and you never know quite what will happen. Trying to control it all can do two things: set you up for greater disappointment, and keep you from letting other people help. A preoccupation with control can also take you out of the moment -- a moment you don't get back.
Today, challenge the idea that you have to and must control every aspect of your life or your day. Let some things slide; let someone help. When you let go of how things "should" be, you soften the edges of stress and open yourself up to possibility.
Read more on how to curb your inner control freak.
--Posted by Lindsay Holmes
Learn more useful information about stress and your health! Order meQuilibrium's new book, meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier, co-authored by meQuilibrium CEO Jan Bruce, Adam Perlman, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, and Andrew Shatté, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer.
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