Newspapers React To Charlie Hebdo Attack With Show Of Solidarity On Front Pages Newspapers around the world are rallying around Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical newspaper targeted in a terror attack on Wednesday in which 12 people were killed.
In London, The Independent had a bold message for the terrorists:
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The sentiment was echoed by L'Echo, a newspaper from the Limousin region of France:

The B.Z. newspaper in Berlin covered its front and back pages with Charlie Hebdo images:

Also in Berlin, the Berliner Kurier paper had its own message of defiance:

The French sports newspaper L'Équipe depicted the attack as a contest between Liberte (freedom) and Barbarie (barbarity):

In the hours after the attack, "Je Suis Charlie" ("I Am Charlie) became a cry of solidarity, both on the streets of Paris and online, where #JeSuisCharlie was trending on Twitter. Many newspapers also used the phrase, including France's L'Independant:

And in Canada, the Toronto Sun devoted its front page to a cartoon response from artist Andy Donato:
In London, The Independent had a bold message for the terrorists:
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The sentiment was echoed by L'Echo, a newspaper from the Limousin region of France:
The B.Z. newspaper in Berlin covered its front and back pages with Charlie Hebdo images:
Also in Berlin, the Berliner Kurier paper had its own message of defiance:
The French sports newspaper L'Équipe depicted the attack as a contest between Liberte (freedom) and Barbarie (barbarity):
In the hours after the attack, "Je Suis Charlie" ("I Am Charlie) became a cry of solidarity, both on the streets of Paris and online, where #JeSuisCharlie was trending on Twitter. Many newspapers also used the phrase, including France's L'Independant:
And in Canada, the Toronto Sun devoted its front page to a cartoon response from artist Andy Donato:
Tomorrow's @TheTorontoSun front page. Our Andy Donato sets the tone as people around the world draw strength.
— Wendy Metcalfe (@WendyM_TorSun) January 8, 2015
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