Gilly and Gary: Culver City, California, July, 2012

Gilly and Gary: Culver City, California, July, 2012 2014-12-29-Kindsight2GillyandGaryCulverCityJuly2012imageonlysized.jpg

I'm leaving the Samosa place where I've just had lunch. Walking around to the small parking lot in back I see this white pickup truck with a plumbing company decal parked next to my car, with its passenger door open, impeding access to my car's driver door. "Pardon me..." I say to the man sitting by the pickup's open door. "Oh, I'm sorry." he says and pulls the door almost closed so I can get to mine. Seeing me with my cane in the narrow space between he asks "Do you need help?" "Thank you, I'm good." I reply. Once inside my car I roll down my window and he rolls down his. We talk and he asks me why I need the cane and I tell him about my condition. But quickly our conversation turns to goodness, because, it's somehow in the air between us. He tells me "I was one of those people pushing a shopping cart in the streets and sifting through garbage cans...but then I surrendered to Jesus Christ and embraced him as my savior...I'm a missionary now, I've been all around the world!...Have you accepted Jesus in your life?" He asks this not in a dogmatic or forceful way, and I tell him "I follow the path of goodness." I tell him how several years back a cable TV guy at my apartment asked me if I was a Christian and I told him that I take care of my family, mentor and empower young people as best I can and help people out, and he said to me "Yes, you're a Christian!" He smiles and nods at this. "I'm Robert" I say. "I'm Gary, pleased to know you Robert." Just then his partner comes back around. "Hi, I'm Robert" I say to him. "I'm Gilly!" I ask if we can make a photo and we all get out of our cars, make this photo, then stand around continuing our conversation about goodness and life. We exchange cards, shake hands, bid farewell and leave, with a connection made and good will fostered, all thanks to an open door in a parking lot.

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